Hello again! Happy late Easter! I hope that y’all had a great Easter. I know that I had a wonderful day! It was so amazing. I absolutely loved sacrament meeting. Something that is so wonderful is that Easter is just so focused on Jesus Christ. I adore Easter. It was so much fun, we woke up on Saturday to the sound of knocking on our door. Apparently the Easter Bunny came to the Seaman's house- to quote them, Saturday is for Easter, Sunday is for Jesus-and the Easter bunny brought us treats. I think my favorite thing I got from the Easter bunny was....TOILET PAPER!!!! Yup. Never thought that I would say that. But then again, my mission has brought with it many things that I didn’t think I would ever say. We were worried about our dollar store toilet paper running out before the end of the week. BUT THEN THE EASTER BUNNY SAVED THE DAY!!!
Some amazing stories this week.
So we tried talking to a lot of people and a lot of people did not talk to us. That can be a bit discouraging, but the Lord truly does comfort us. The thing that I have absolutely loved about the Prince of Peace initiative that the church shared this Easter is that as I talked without others about how Christ brought peace to their lives, I FELT PEACE. I knew that my Savior, my Redeemer, my older brother was by my side and helping me along the way. I felt that He truly loved me and wanted to help me. I just needed to ask Him.
We had a lot of people that gave us referrals this week which was awesome because that doesn't happen too much. The sad thing is, our ward is changing and about 97 % of the people we are working with will probably be in one of the Bartlett wards. It is sad, but probably true. We find out about the change this Seamans. EVEN THE SEAMANS (the family we share a house with) MIGHT BE IN A DIFFERENT WARD! WHAT!? NO!!
This week we went to an investigator's home and she had texted us and said that she was struggling and that life was a bit hectic so the time wasn't great to come over. I really wanted to listen to that text and go somewhere else, but Sister Van Orman told me that the gospel CAN bring peace, so why not? Well, we decided to pray about it. So we did and I just felt that I really needed to listen to whatever prompting sister V. Got. So I did, and she said we needed to go somewhere else. We went and we actually saw someone that we had been trying to see for a really long time and she was super interested and super nice and cool. She said she really wanted to learn and that she was going to read the Book Of Mormon. NICE! Also, I totally picked three four leaf clovers on saturday, so my luck is totally going to change and my health is going to be great! No, I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious. Hehe.
Let me share some thoughts.
I really love Alma 8:10 where it says, “Nevertheless Alma labored much in the spirit, wrestling with God in mighty prayer, that he would pour out his Spirit upon the people who were in the city; that he would also grant that he might baptize them unto repentance.” As I pondered this passage, I realized that I really needed to be praying more that Heavenly Father can pour out his spirit to the people here and that I may be able to be an instrument in his hands to help those people to feel that Spirit.
Here are some other great quotes that I loved this week!
Tad R. Callister in the August 2012 New Era taught: When asked those questions, I usually responded by saying, “If you feel the Spirit—when you pray, read the scriptures, teach, testify, or at any other time—then that is your witness that you have been forgiven or, alternatively, that the cleansing process is taking place, for the Spirit cannot dwell in an unholy tabernacle” (see Alma 7:21 ). In most cases, the cleansing process takes time because our change of heart takes time, but in the interim, we can proceed with the confidence that God approves of our progress as manifested by the presence of His Spirit.
Sheri Dew in November 1999 Ensign shared, “‘Unto whom much is given much is required’ ( D&C 82:3 ), and at times the demands of discipleship are heavy. But shouldn’t we expect the journey towards eternal glory to stretch us? We sometimes rationalize our preoccupation with this world and our casual attempts to grow spiritually by trying to console each other with the notion that living the gospel really shouldn’t require all that much of us. The Lord’s standard of behavior will always be more demanding than the world’s, but then the Lord’s rewards are infinitely more glorious—including true joy, peace, and salvation”
I have really felt the spirit so strongly this week and it truly testified to me that Christ Lives! That He loves me and that He knows me personally. I know that He is my Redeemer. I know that this church is true. I felt such comfort and love this week and I knew that Heavenly Father has been molding me and working with me to help others and to become who He wants me to be. I know this is a great work that I am a part of and I feel an even greater desire and fire towards this work. I feel a great sense of urgency in the calling that I have and that there is so little time. I know that there is much to do and that I am truly called here for a reason and for this time. I know I am where I am supposed to be and that I truly need to help others to feel of my Father in Heaven’s love.
I love all of you and hope that you have a great week. Thank you so much for all that you do!
Sister Esplin
Luckiest Sister in the mission
So grateful for “The Prince of Peace” this Easter Season!
Happy Easter!
A baby egg that I boiled. My first time!!
Easter with the Seaman Family!!!
We loved the toilet paper that the Easter bunny gave us!
Rachel gave us Easter baskets!!!
Spring 🐣
A picture of Christ that I really love.